Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice


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"Traccia il tuo percorso intelligente verso la vendetta in una nuova avventura dello sviluppatore FromSoftware.

Esplora il Giappone Sengoku del tardo 1500, un periodo brutale di costante conflitto tra vita e morte, mentre ti trovi faccia a faccia con nemici più grandi della vita in un mondo oscuro e contorto. Scatena un arsenale di protesi mortali e potenti abilità ninja mentre mescoli stealth, traversata verticale e viscerale combattimento testa a testa in uno scontro sanguinoso.

Prenditi la rivincita. Ripristina il tuo onore. Uccidi con ingegno".


Il gioco si svolge in un Giappone reimmaginato del tardo XVI secolo del periodo Sengoku. Alla fine dell'era Sengoku, il signore della guerra Isshin Ashina mette in scena un sanguinoso colpo di stato e si impossessa della terra di Ashina. Durante questo periodo, un orfano senza nome viene adottato dallo shinobi errante Owl, che lo chiama "Wolf".

Vent'anni dopo, il clan Ashina è sull'orlo del collasso a causa della combinazione dell'ormai anziano Isshin che si è ammalato e dei nemici del clan che si avvicinano costantemente da ogni lato. Desideroso di trovare un modo per prevenire la caduta del suo clan, il nipote di Isshin, Genichiro, cattura l'erede divino Kuro, nella speranza di usare la sua "eredità del drago" per creare un esercito immortale.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Οδηγίες ενεργοποίησης

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Κριτικές & Βαθμολογίες

Review by D1V [user]
8 gennaio 2022

Great swordplay, the human bosses are the best. Can be pretty difficult at times as expected from a fromsoftware's game, but most bosses haveGreat swordplay, the human bosses are the best. Can be pretty difficult at times as expected from a fromsoftware's game, but most bosses have a weakness you can use to make you gameplay easier even with average mechanics, for example fire crackers can make the warrior on a horse boss pretty easy, and the game gives a hint about it as well.Some people say that they would not recommend it to someone new to soulsborn games, but think it might be the perfect first game.The setting isn't dark and pressuring, which I enjoyed and a player doesn't get overwhelmed with a **** tone of stats and possible builds.The graphics are pretty good the performance is good as well

Review by Cookingwith6 [user]
8 agosto 2021

I've never written a game review before but now i had to because of this game, i played it a bunch of times when it first came out on consoleI've never written a game review before but now i had to because of this game, i played it a bunch of times when it first came out on console and will continue to do so now since i got it on pc.if there was a game that best describes a balance between fun and difficult it would 100% be Sekiro. usually a lot of difficult games tend to go with the most tedious and boring routes to make it self harder (boring) for the player, but this game is completely different, the gameplay is just perfect it honestly changed the way i look at other games drastically, its also the game that got me into the whole souls games. no matter how many times i play it or comeback to it, its always a blast, and never fails to give me the best time, the repetition of some mini-bosses might be a little annoying to some people but i've never really noticed it until someone mentioned it to me. To me this game is just a masterpiece, its a must try for everyone, who knows maybe it would end up affecting you the same way it did for me :)

Review by Culzulz87z [user]
19 giugno 2021

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a brutal action adventure game. But, it can be easy game if you can mastering the basic, mastering the code ofSekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a brutal action adventure game. But, it can be easy game if you can mastering the basic, mastering the code of patience and learning ultra instinct to reflect (of course ... like Goku in Dragon Ball Super). Sekiro's first playthrough is the hardest of them all, it was pain, harsh, torturing, brutal and made people rage quit.

Review by Nozoeok8 [user]
19 giugno 2021

Fast-paced, visceral, and far more realistic than previous souls games. Combat consists of breaking an enemy's posture, which means attackingFast-paced, visceral, and far more realistic than previous souls games. Combat consists of breaking an enemy's posture, which means attacking them, deflecting their attacks, and other special actions. This is the big win of this game. Fighting is about rhythm. Since enemies always have the same move combos, you can detect the rhythm of their attacks while blocking, and the next time you see this, just repeat that rhythm with your deflect button. This would become boring after a while, but the perilous attacks add a little spice to the equation. Honestly, the idea of going back to Dark Souls seems slow and unappetizing after this game.

Review by Skeany_0 [user]
16 giugno 2021

Sekiro challenges your patience, reflexes, and muscle memory. Once you overcome the hurdle that is relearning how to approach FromSoft'sSekiro challenges your patience, reflexes, and muscle memory. Once you overcome the hurdle that is relearning how to approach FromSoft's games, this game gets easier. It's no small task though, as I got pummeled until forcing myself to play this for what it is. A fast paced action game with unequaled and unforgiving satisfaction derived from combat.

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Πληροφορίες παιχνιδιού
Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης 22 marzo 2019
Εκδότης FromSoftware, Activision
Συνολική Βαθμολογία 90%
Περιεχόμενο Βαθμολογήθηκε M (Mature)
Λειτουργίες παιχνιδιού Ενιαίος παίκτης
Προοπτικές παικτών Τρίτο πρόσωπο
Είδη Περιπέτεια, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Θέματα Δράση, Ιστορικό, Φαντασία, Stealth
Πλατφόρμες PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia