Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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黑色行动 II》是《使命召唤》系列中第一款采用未来战争技术的游戏,也是第一款由玩家选择驱动的分支



在冷战时期的内华达州,疾控中心的一队特工调查了一个名为 "核镇 "的核试验场,他们在那里遭到了僵尸的袭击。爱德华-里奇托芬博士通过电视听到了他在月球上实施计划的声音。里希特芬通过进入乙太来控制僵尸,但路德维格-马克西斯博士与他的女儿萨曼莎以及里希特芬的前盟友坦克-登普西、尼古拉-贝林斯基和武夫-马萨凯一起挫败了他。为此,马克西斯向地球发射了三枚装满 115 号元素的巨型核导弹,摧毁了地球。一枚导弹彻底摧毁了核镇和在场的所有人。
多年后,地球变成了一个被僵尸占领的摇摇欲坠的地狱废墟。在这个新世界里,四名幸存者--塞缪尔-J-斯图林格、阿比盖尔-"迷雾"-布里尔顿、马尔顿-约翰逊和拉斯曼--在一辆由机器人司机驾驶的公共汽车的帮助下,团结起来在华盛顿生存。马克西斯与他们四人取得了联系,马克西斯现在是一个数字渲染的人工智能,他正在寻求人类的帮助来对抗里希特芬。马克西斯恳求他们使用电力僵尸为玉米地里的一座塔提供电力。然而,里希特芬联系上了能听到乙太声音的塞缪尔,并命令他说服他的朋友们为这座塔提供电力。玩家可以选择听从 Maxis 或 Richtofen 的命令。从音频传输中可以看出,世界各地的幸存者都与马克西斯和里希特芬取得了联系,不过这两个德国人的追随者之间存在着广泛的冲突;尤其是在一个名为杰克斯平原的定居点,那里最初是一个安全的避风港,但在马克西斯和里希特芬的冲突中沦为僵尸的乐园。
无论他们选择帮助谁,四人都被传送到了中国上海一座破败的天际线上。在这里,里希特芬命令塞缪尔 "修补裂痕",接受他作为里希特芬追随者的命运,并威胁要揭露他作为食人邪教 "肉食者 "成员的过去。每当这群人倒在僵尸脚下时,里希特芬都会不断复活他们,直到他们听从他的命令。不再受电动装置阻碍的马克西斯再次与大家联系,寻求帮助。四人通过散布在 "肉体 "地区的电视机了解到,一种新的空气传播瘟疫 "115 号元素 "开始出现,这种元素能使死亡细胞复活并造成僵尸。
在上海的战斗结束后,拉斯曼带领小组穿越各大洲,来到非洲一个被称为 "大裂谷 "的大洞,希望能找到关于指挥他们的无形力量的答案。马克西斯和里希特芬再次与他们取得联系,他们比以往任何时候都更加迫切地想要实现自己的目标。他们请求小组为第三座也是最后一座塔提供能量,以帮助他们。Maxis 承诺治愈地球,而 Richtofen 则承诺从 Maxis 手中拯救他们。在一个建在地下的西部小镇上,四人获得了一个新盟友--一个哑巴、一个无名巨人,而在一座巨大的豪宅中,他们却受到了一个幽灵般的女人的阻挠。根据玩家在故事中帮助的对象,有两种可能的结局。如果玩家帮助了里希特芬,他将获得控制乙太与地球的无限力量,杀死马克西斯,并让萨曼莎-马克西斯的灵魂永世不得超生。然后,他将进入塞缪尔的身体,作为对他帮助的奖励,但他发现自己无法退出,只能像以前一样任由僵尸摆布。如果玩家帮助了马克西斯,他就会利用塔楼的力量进入乙太并取得最终控制权,将里希特芬困在僵尸的身体里。然而,地球开始震动,马克西斯向四人解释说,他正在开始毁灭地球和人类的进程,以到达他认为萨曼莎所在的阿加莎。
大家都不知道,萨曼莎确实在阿迦莎(她的父亲最终没能进入阿迦莎),但她却在 1918 年第一次世界大战期间的法国找到了自己的父亲。为此,他们制造了高耸的机械机器人、盔甲和控制元素力量的法杖。935 小组还偶然发现了一座据说源自弗里尔的古墓,但这却引发了历史上第一次已知的僵尸大爆发。为了阻止德国,日本、俄罗斯和美国派出武夫、尼古拉和登普西去抓捕先进技术的幕后策划者里希特芬。此时,935 集团的特工已全军覆没,马克西本人也因开始变成僵尸而被切除了脑叶。为了与亡灵作战,他们抛开了各自的国籍,并与萨曼莎取得了联系,乞求从阿加莎获得自由。里希特芬将 Maxis 的大脑装入一架无人驾驶飞机,让他加入到对抗僵尸和解救 Samantha 的战斗中。他们最终取得了成功,在 Maxis 与女儿见面的同时,他们进入了阿加莎,获得了奖赏。游戏中出现了一个剪辑画面,萨曼莎和一个名叫埃迪的男孩在一起,玩着在所有三款游戏的僵尸游戏模式中出现过的角色的玩具。空袭警报响起,两个孩子和 Maxis 一起退到地下室,Samantha 指出她父亲有一个让他们的游戏成为现实的计划。至于游戏模式中的事件是真的发生了,还是一直以来都只是萨曼莎的想象,这一点并不明确。

Call of Duty: Black Ops II Οδηγίες ενεργοποίησης

Call of Duty: Black Ops II Κριτικές & Βαθμολογίες

Review by wpredw [user]

Just an absolutely horrible game I cannot find a single thing to appraise MW3 better, MW2 better, BO1 better battlefield series way better.Just an absolutely horrible game I cannot find a single thing to appraise MW3 better, MW2 better, BO1 better battlefield series way better. I have played three previous versions something like 3-400 hours and found them enjoyable but the controls in this is just plain frustrating, no one is playing I would probably declare this the death of the franchise unless they step up in the next release

Review by vahn [user]

Hated MW2. Hated MW3. I was able to try this one for a short time. Couldn't wait to get angry and start raging on how bad this series is, andHated MW2. Hated MW3. I was able to try this one for a short time. Couldn't wait to get angry and start raging on how bad this series is, and so off I played. After playing for 2 days of experiencing and trying basically enough, I have to say has improved. It hurts me to say, but it has few improvements over the previous games. First of, I liked how the perks are extremely few and unlike the previous, which many were useless and only few were good, now we get few perks and almost none are that useful and actually work as "perks". Instead, some of the "old" perks are now some sort of "attachments" to weapons which are unlocked by using them more often, and in here we also get the levels for weapons, which is a nice addition. They tried hard to balance the game, even by limiting our perks, weapons, attachments and everything with a limit of 10...which balances things....I guess? Weapons are still rather similar but they TRIED to make them different this time and I noticed few differences while using some of one would give less recoil...another would do more...but the same damage...? Arenas have improved as well: we get colors! Few, but it's so great to find more than 2 colors in an arena, without mentioning that I haven't played that many matches with campers (there were, but nothing impossible to counter). And jokes aside, they tried to make most of the arenas trying to be careful on blind corners...which unfortunely still are present, showing either that it's programming fault or their own choice. People will either think I'm joking or being serious but to be honest, the answer is just one: this game is still horrible, and that's no joke. While it has improvements over the others, it's still not worth a single cent on this game: weapons are still too similar and have the biggest fault of having no need to aim at all: just shoot and you'll kill (you might need to aim only on long distances); arenas, while cured a little more, show how graphics are HORRIBLE and simply unacceptable and while I accepted the graphics of the previous games, this one is totally unworthy of attention. And campers are still around in some arenas, so it's not fixed yet; balancing of the classes is still far from being even remotely good, letting us customize with just tons of useless perks (even if fewer than previous games) and overpowered killstreaks, which works with points instead of kills, but still can be a gamebreaker pretty easily and without letting you escape. This game is just mediocre, like the previous games, and while it may be a good purchase this time, the game is still expensive like day 1 and, in all honesty, you can spend those euros/dollars for much better games (and cheaper as well). If you ever find this game on discount (not gonna happen) you might give it a try and maybe even having fun until the next installment arrives (after that, this game literally dies). But seriously, if you want to play an arena based fps, with lots of weapons, with very low graphics, no real physics and simply fast pacing either Quake 3 arena or Unreal tournament.

Review by rykeith [user]

The campaign story is one of the best COD has recently offered. The one glaring (and frankly, unforgivable) flaw is with the Strike ForceThe campaign story is one of the best COD has recently offered. The one glaring (and frankly, unforgivable) flaw is with the Strike Force missions. If you are not planning on playing on the harder difficulties, they really are not that big of an issue, albeit poorly executed with respect to controls and friendly AI. On the harder settings, these become a gigantic nuisance due to the terrible friendly AI. The multiplayer is also good, and I think I enjoy it more than the BO1. Overall, above average game that could have been great.

Review by DailyGame

If the original Black Ops was Treyarch's coming-out party, then Black Ops 2 is the studio's affirmation that their COD expertise was no flash in the pan. If you're one of the 16 people who hasn't played this gem yet, go buy it now. Conversely, if you're among those who bought the game but hasn't ventured into the single-player campaign (yes, it happens), there's a great narrative and divergent gameplay awaiting your experimentation, so check it out.

Review by DarrkHawk [user]

Another year and all is the same with the Call of Duty franchise and I eventually gave up and rented it. 9 games now how the infamous "Call of Duty" title and this one is by far the worst. Campaign wise, the story is a very poor follow on from the half decent Black Ops. With the "past and future" story completely dominating the game which makes the flow of the game just fall apart. The level layout, objectives and story progress are literally the same as of the previous 5 games. Maybe next year we will get a bit of variety? The only real change to this game is the stolen aspects from other games that treyarch have tried to bind with this game, but failing to make it work. The futuristic aspect of this game is clearly taken from that of the crisis series and abilities are just a rip off of the ever more popular halo series. It is nice that treyarch are trying but their QA team needs to step in and stop such creations. The whole feel of the games just isn't the feel that Call of Duty once had (Call of Duty 4). The multiplayer aspect is certainly nothing new. The EXACT same feel, the EXACT same flow, the EXACT same server quality, the EXACT same unbalancing and the same poorly designed maps. This games multiplayer actually got me asking the question "why is Call of Duty so popular?". The reason I came up with, slap this title on any other game and it will sell just as well. People see those 3 infamous words and immediately want in. Pre-teens nag their parents for these games to fit in with the crows (despite the 18 certificate), Teenagers want the game for an easy game to yell abuse and annoyances down the microphone. Adults buy the game because of its annual tradition and the gaming season. These are the only reasons I feel that keeps the CoD title alive. The one redeeming feature I thought would help this game is the infamous zombies. Loved by many since world at war and by far the greatest part of the Call of Duty series. However, even this falls short. Zombies is about endurance and having fun. So why have treyarch started interpreting stories into this. Sure, It can be fun to search and unlock the story but it is just not necessary. Keep zombies the fast paced endurance game it once was. I can safely say I am glad I didn't pay full retail for this game. Even the £8 i paid for rental is too much of a loss. I could have bought a lovely pair of socks and be more satisfied (and have some change for a snack). Call of Duty, you are kept alive by the bandwagon that your name of created.

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Πληροφορίες παιχνιδιού
Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης 2012年11月12日
Εκδότης Treyarch, Activision, Square Enix
Περιεχόμενο Βαθμολογήθηκε M (Mature)
Λειτουργίες παιχνιδιού Ενιαίος παίκτης, Multiplayer, Συνεταιρισμός, Διαχωρισμένη οθόνη
Προοπτικές παικτών Πρώτο πρόσωπο
Είδη Σκοπευτής
Θέματα Επιστημονική φαντασία, Δράση, Πόλεμος
Πλατφόρμες PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360